
Welcome to MyDigital!
Browse our course catalogue below.




MyDIGITAL is an initiative that represents the Government’s aspirations to transform Malaysia into a digitally-enabled and technology driven high income nation, and a regional lead in digital economy.

Growing Malaysia's Digital Economy

Growing Malaysia's
Digital Economy

MyDIGITAL paves the way forward to fully realise the potential of the innovation and ethical use of 4IR technologies in growing our digital economy and to achieve an inclusive, responsible and sustainable socio-economic development.

Building a Digital Inclusive Society

Building a Digital
Inclusive Society

MyDIGITAL aspires to enable Malaysians to embrace digitalization to improve their quality of life and standard of living, to nurture talents, and become a producer of innovation.


MyDIGITAL adopts a whole-of-nation approach that involves partnerships between the citizens, public and private sectors to realise the aspirations of MyDIGITAL.

Our Roles

Act as a coordinating body for the National Fourth Industrial Revolution Policy and Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint initiatives, ensuring seamless alignment and facilitation.

Monitor, document and assess the advancement made in the National Fourth Industrial Revolution Policy and Malaysian Economic Blueprint initiatives.

Strategically address and troubleshoot issues, risks in collaboration with Federal and State stakeholders.

Cultivate and endorse collaboration between the public sector, private sector, academia and social civil organizations to enhance socioeconomic progress.

Spearhead efforts to raise awareness and recognition of MyDIGITAL on both local and global platforms.

Featured Courses


5G Untuk Rakyat

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AI for Rakyat

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Cyber Security Untuk Rakyat

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Cloud Computing Untuk Rakyat

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